Monday, September 21, 2009

I saw the sunrise.

Here is an image I have been working on for a while. Experimenting with the blur tool in photoshop. I am getting to like the blur tool more and more. I liken the experience to be more sculptural than drawing. I need to do something hanging from her fingers, maybe paper orgami cranes for good luck!!! a:)x

Lenard said he would come after work

This is an illustration I did last night when I was watching TV. I often draw when I'm watching television, always have. This is the illustration not doctored in anyway just the levels in photoshop. Soon I will post what I have done with the illustration. I love bringing the character to life in some way. I am also going to try naming my work which I have never done before. Lenard's name just came to me, To me the guy looks like he could be waiting for someone. Watching the door that never opens.